This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Community Corner

Summer Solstice Event Weekend in Asbury Park

What are your plans for summer solstice weekend?

Join the gay fun in Asbury Park as we welcome summer!

FRIDAY, 6/20

Find out what's happening in Long Branch-Eatontownfor free with the latest updates from Patch.


Meet and Greet at Beach Bar in Convention Hall

Enjoy drink specials and music

from our special guest DJ Nicole Atkins. Partake in the first of the summer

Clambake Series hosted by Madison Marquette ($30 for all you can eat!) and

enjoy a bonfire on the beach.

Find out what's happening in Long Branch-Eatontownfor free with the latest updates from Patch.



Pool Party at Hotel Tides Restaurant & Spa

Poolside fun with BBQ ($10 all

you can eat) and drink specials.  

7:00pm-2:00am: Drink Specials at bars all over town

Shuttle service provided between

Georgies/Cameo area and Paradise.

SUNDAY, 6/22


Beach Day

Fun in the sun with contests

(best decorated beach umbrella and flip flops, sand castle contest, beach

volley ball tournament, and more!)

4:00pm-2:00am Paradise T-Dance at the Empress Hotel

"" for more information.  Help us

get the word out: like us on Facebook and Twitter, and invite your friends!


Get your Destination:

Asbury Park Passport
 for only $5.  It’s your Passport to

discounts at participating businesses all over town. ‘Stamps’ will qualify you

for prizes including a Grand Prize of a free vacation in Asbury Park, including

lodging, food and drinks.

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?